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A Warm Touch for 120 Students in Tavşanlı

As every year, when winter arrives, children studying in the villages of Anatolia begin to struggle with harsh weather conditions. To ease these challenging conditions a little and support our children’s education, we collaborated with the Tavşanlı National Education Directorate as Çare Association . As part of this effort, we provided winter boots and coats to 120 students in need.

Winter Aid in Anatolian Villages

Our Winter Aid for Village Schools project is crucial to ensure that children can continue their education uninterrupted and spend the winter in good health. We delivered essential winter clothing, including shoes, coats, boots, and socks, to school administrators in Tavşanlı, ensuring they reach the students in need.

The joyful expressions on the children’s faces once again showed us how important this project is. These donations are not just clothing but also symbols of hope, warmth, and solidarity, helping protect our children’s physical health and supporting their ability to continue their education.

Small Touches to Strengthen Education

These donations allow our children to attend school more comfortably during the cold winter months. Thanks to this support, children studying in schools in the villages of Tavşanlı can go to school comfortably, warmly, and healthily, directly contributing to their academic success.

Our Winter Aid for Village Schools campaign will not be limited to Tavşanlı; we will continue to reach children struggling with the harsh conditions of winter in village schools across all parts of Turkey.

Support and Carry Hope to the Future

These children are the architects of our future. We continue our support to keep them warm in the cold and help them continue their education. However, your support is crucial for these aids to continue. A winter coat, a pair of boots, or warm socks may be a small but very meaningful step that could change a child’s future. Make a donation now to join this movement of kindness and help our children have a warm winter.
