


As Çare Association, we operate to complete the deficiencies in the field of education and to help students in need. We develop projects to reduce the difficulties and financial constraints in education in Turkey.

As part of educational assistance to students, we provide stationery materials, clothing, shoes, and even social support. Thus, we help students cover their school expenses and focus on their education. Our goal is to support students in having a successful education process and contribute to their future success.

Our Education Assistance Projects

Stationery Assistance

When schools open in Turkey, we provide stationery assistance to students in need. These aids not only help students meet their school material needs, but also provide a more successful journey in their education.

In addition, these stationery aids become an important step for the future of students, allowing them to express themselves better, use materials more effectively, and therefore be more successful in their classes. Thus, we contribute to the success of students' education life, and help them have a better life in the future.

Winter Assistance: Shoes, Coats, Boots, and Socks

Our association extends a helping hand to students in need, especially those who have difficulty going to school during the winter months. Within this scope, we provide clothing aids such as shoes, coats, boots, and socks to ensure that students have warm and comfortable clothes during the winter season. Thus, we help students continue to go to school in a healthy manner and hope to contribute to their school success.

What Can We Do?

Contribute to Çare Association's educational aids and be a positive force for change in the lives of students in need! Let's take action together to be a hope for the architects of the future and to facilitate their access to education. By supporting Çare Association, you can help us achieve these goals.

"We are just a means."
