The name of the association: Çare Solidarity and Development Association
Center Of The Çare association is in İstanbul. With the decision of the Board of Directors, the address of the company can be changed in Istanbul. The Association may open branch offices and representative offices both either in Turkey or abroad.
To improve the social awareness, solidarity and cooperation in line with the legal rules of our government, to raise the socio-economic level of the our society, at home and abroad, regardless of under ordinary and extraordinary times; With a reason of the earthquake, flood and fire for all people who has been in need of all kind of material and spiritual things et cetera clothing, cleaning materials, fuel, rent, accommodation, health, education and business establishment as required by the conditions and circumstances and other reasons. The purposes of the association which has been aimed was to provide the benefits and services for everyone, not limited to a specific region or mass.For this reason, the assistances and services are being run which has been aimed at helping everyone without discrimination in the region, country and so on.
a) Activities pertaining to assistance content: This Association; Makes all kind of cash contributions for protecting the poor , needy, orphans, fatherless, patients and students who is either in the country or abroad .Associaition opens the projects and contributes to the opened projects such as the operation of the sheltered houses, nursing home, shelters, slaughterhouses, kindergartens, guesthouses, mosques, cultural centers in the country and abroad .It establishes and operates tent cities, logistic centers, social stores and other facilities and provides all kinds of financial benefits to such facilities.It also distributes meals to needy people and purchases related services. In particular, it works for the poor and needy people in the real sense both domestically and abroad, and buy the services for this purpose. it makes for especially some of studies to diagnose poverty , scarcity both in domestic or abroad , and makes the hunger map which had been taken place in neighborhoods and then coordinates the people and organizations for sorting these problems out .Thus, it organizes and participates in these arranged organizations without being applied by needy people for the food, rent, housing, accommodation , fuel, clothing, cleaning materials, business building, home furnishings, help organizations. Our Association may help other organizations such as charities with same purpose.
b) Activities with social content: It makes tea meetings with food with the purpose of income and education, and It organizes kermess, auction, picnic, summer camp and events as well .
c) Education-related activities: it supplies and provides scholarships ,schools, dormitories, courses, reading halls, food, clothing, tools for poor students who study and live both either in the country or abroad and at the certain level which was permitted . it makes buildings and operate or turn the operating right over for this purpose within the possibilities . it provides scholarship to the students at every level of education in Turkey and abroad especially from who study at the academic careers with financial and moral support without discrimination .The members of the association provide education for their employees either in domestic or aboard and enable their volunteers to abroad to develop their knowledge and skills related to the work they do, and if it is necessary they provide foreign language education, have it made or taken.
d) Health-related activities: it gets the poor people treated who is in need of health care at home and abroad, as permitted by the relevant legislation. It contributes to the cost of all kinds of medication and treatment in case of birth, illness, accident. It gets domestic and abroad treatments carried out. It conducts joint studies with all organizations who providing health services and purchases services. It provides accommodations to the patients and their relatives who come from outside the city and stay during the treatment and it purchases the related services. It provides equipment and materials for disabled people and to related institutions. It establishes voluntary health teams, provides in-service training, sends health personnel and medical supplies to the regions in need for humanitarian aid both at home and abroad. It Organizes the events to raise public awareness about health.
e) Activities related to the environment: It is engaged in the country and abroad to prevent deterioration and pollution of the natural environment.In this sense, It is engaged in environmental pollution, deterioration of natural equilibrium, erosion, global warming that raise the awareness of the society. It cooperates with organizations that engaged in such activity.It gets the researchs conducted, prepares projects and contributes to such activities. In this sense, it participates in activities of protection of natural environment both at home and abroad.It carries out the preservation, restoration and maintenance of historical and cultural values, structures, monuments; contributing materially and spiritually to those who did.
f) Activities in the form of cooperation: The association cooperates with public institutions, non-governmental organizations and private institutions to the extent permitted by the relevant legislation to realize the objectives and improve their activities.In this sense, it cooperates with public institutions and its societies , foundations, associations, trade association, trade unions, official student associations, institutes, federations and confederations. For this purpose, it opens branches in Turkey and abroad, encourages the establishment of separate associations and allows the use of its own name. The United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union, and so on. It cooperates with international organizations and NGOs, utilizes from national and international funding, supports organizations who prepare projects to get an benefit.
g) Increasing The Association's Income And Publicity Activities: It organize events such as bazaar, conferences, exhibitions, open sessions, seminars and symposiums in Turkey and abroad with the purpose of providing income or publicity to the association ; it participates in such as activities and open stands. It publishes books, brochures, magazines, newsletters and similar publications.It gets promotions made with purpose of publicity and arranges the journeys .It establishs and operates the commercial enterprise, cooperatives, foundations and can take in partnership with enterprises and cooperatives.It buys immovable property, accepts donations, builds, rents them, uses them in the direction of the association's objectives, and operate them for with the intent of get an endowment. It accepts cash, food, clothing, tools, electronic devices, fuel and cleaning materials and livestock donations made to the association. It takes Qurban donations during Our religious Qurban and during the year, and distribute these animals to the poors and indigents by cutting animals both in home and abroad.The Association rents or leases out the movable or immovable property for use in its deeds, accept all kinds of donations and buys, rents and it recompansate its expenditures. It is provided all kinds of technical tools and equipment, fixtures and stationery supplies In order to provide a healthy working environment and for the realization of the purpose.It initiates and executes in-kind and cash donation campaigns within the provisions of the aid collection law and other relevant legislation, and places donation boxes in certain places. It brings the public attention for aids with the help of written and visual publications. In doing so, It draws attention and emphasizes the development of the sense of respect for social responsibilities, national and spiritual values, and human dignity. In this sense, it makes and publishes audio and video broadcasts and be sponsored to those what are made.In addition, It makes and let the cultural and artistic activities such as printing, cinema film, commercial film and such as theatrical production which will be served to this purpose. it takes advantage of the internet in its advertising and promotional activities. Receives ads to the website. It arranges the Scientific-cultural meetings and get the observations make, get the reports and surveys prepared, establishs and operate scientific research, development and application centers.It provides financial support to those who work as personal or corporate in these matters.
h) Assessment of association property: the Association sells, converts things into actual money, replaces or replaces obsolete goods, assets, buildings, facilities, land, etc. that have devalued or has insufficient economic value in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation or expend income in line with the purpose of the association.It hands the right to run over and use or leases any other institution, organization or person for a certain fee, in a long or short time, when it does not use or does not own the real property that it had or will be .it may temporarily grant the right to use and operate without charge provided that any association or organization operates in line with the aim of the Association.
i) Benefiting from volunteering: The association can benefit from volunteers in all activities in Turkey and abroad to carry out its goals.The volunteers that will be determined can receive education in Turkey and abroad, organize seminars. The association establishes voluntary sub-units and commissions related to its activities. The association appoints committees on any issue and give them the authority about what they do. Association prepares a regulation that regulates the works and authorities that they will do. Volunteers are not paid wages, but they are compensated for such as the work and services that volunteers have made such as roads, accommodation, accommodation, costs .
The association does not engage in politics in any way.