"We are just your intermediary."

Online Donation

  • Small Sacrifice
    Cutting Location
    4.200 TL
    1. Share
      Total Price
      • Bölgelerdeki küçükbaş hayvanlar bölgenin coğrafi ve iklim koşullarından dolayı fiziksel anlamda ülkemize göre daha küçüktür.
      • Yaptığım kurban bağışı ile bilgileri yer alan kişi adına, Çare Derneği’ne kurbanımı kesmeye, kestirmeye ve kurbanla ilgili işleri yapmaya ve yaptırmaya vekil tayin ediyorum.
      • Kurban bedeline, tüm organizasyon masrafları dahildir.
    • Bovine Sacrifice
      Cutting Location
      3.700 TL
      1. Share
        2. Share
          3. Share
            4. Share
              5. Share
                6. Share
                  7. Share
                    Total Price
                    • The Qurban share price is determined within the cost of all activities.
                  • Yetim Sponsorluk
                    New Sponsorship

                    May God not miss the people who caress the heads of orphans and take care of them.

                  • With your donations we take care of our children in safety and provide for their all needs
                  • Orphans' , who you support, needs like education, health, food, clothes and shelter are provided.
                  • By the donations ,you can put a smile upon the orphans
                  • Kandil nights, atonements, special occasions: Make every moment valuable by sharing it with our orphaned siblings. How? Click for details.
                  •  "Çare Derneği is opening information technology classrooms for orphans in its orphanages in Africa and South Asia!"
                  • Gaza urgently needs help! Let's be a helping hand together!
                  • Help disaster victims with the Çare Association! Donate now for shelter, food, and health services!
                  • We deliver your donations to our brothers struggle to survive as refugee
                  • 12,9 million people cant reach enough food. 20,4 million people cant reach clean water...
                  • We deliver your donations to those in need in 3 continents and 13 countries without discriminating any language , race and religion.
                  • We deliver your zakat donations to needy Muslims around world.
                  • We deliver your charity donations that you have entrusted to the victims, the poor and the oppressed.
                  • We are providing support for students in need who attend village schools in Anatolia, Turkiye, with their education and learning!
                  • We deliver your donations to families in need in Turkey
                  •  Do you want to know how your donation can bring happiness to children in village schools? 
                  • With your share of 5.000 TL , we are constructing Mosques and Water Wells in Asia and Africa, continuing the Ottoman tradition.
                  • How do water wells and fountains transform village life? Make a donation to improve access to clean water and leave behind a lasting legacy!
                  • Dress a hafiz, become a guardian of memory! Join this goodness with the nightingales of the Quran!
                  • Let the voices of hafizs rise with your support! Monthly hafiz scholarship amount: 1.000 TL
                  • How can you support future memorizers of the Quran by contributing to Quran memorization schools? Click to learn more and donate.
                  • We try to cure those in need with medical screenings 
                  • You can contribute to surgery of  hundreds of patients in Surgical Camp twitce per year 
                  • You can be a remedy for hundreds of cataract patients
                  • You can help to those who suffers malnutrition
                  • Your donations can help alleviate the suffering of the oppressed.
                  • Your contributions can fulfill the needs of hundreds of needy babies and children.
                  • Let's provide wheelchairs for our disabled siblings within the borders of Turkiye.
                  • We deliver your donations to disabled siblings with limited financial means, both domestically and internationally.
                  • We wait for your donations  Islamic Center which will be built for Moro muslims and convert muslims.
                  • You can donate to support orphans living at Çare Education Complex in Uganda.
                  • You can make a donation to support our orphanage in Afghanistan and the orphans staying there.
                  • You can donate to support our Nigeria Orphanage and the orphans staying there.
                  • You can donate to support the construction of the Tanzania Orphanage, which will be built in Uganda
                  • Support young memorizers of the Qur’an who will spread its Noor , and leave behind a continuous charity (sadaqah jariyah)