• Uganda’da Külliyemiz Açıldı! - Çare Derneği (1).jpg

Our Kulliye Is Opened in Uganda


Uganda Çare Education Complex opened on Sunday, September 18 with its orphanage, primary school, mosque, guesthouse, cafeteria and madrasah. Turkiye’s Uganda Ambassador, THY Board Member, THY Uganda Manager, Tika Country Coordinator, Uganda Royal Family Representative, Uganda President Representative and Education Advisor, Mufti of Uganda, Uganda Islamic Council President, Islamic Council Social Services Department Head, Ministry of National Education School Services Department President, Rector of International Islamic University attended to the inauguration.

It was held with the participation of the Rector, Ugandan Parliament Deputies, Mayors, representatives of Turkish NGOs, volunteers, donors and service professionals from Turkey and many guests.

This year, 30 hafız students and 130 primary school students will receive education in the complex built on a 10-decare plot.

The following statements of the Mufti of Uganda at the opening were very important;

“My brothers, what would have happened if the Turkey of the last fifteen or twenty years had been fifty years ago? Today, the face of the Islamic world and Africa would be completely different. But today, the opening of one of Uganda's largest educational complexes excites us for the future of Uganda and Africa. I say that the leader of the Islamic world is waking up to take over his duty"

Mufti Effendi's speech warned my heart:

  • Honor in service,
  • state in jihad
  • happily wealth,
  • rejoicing in zeal,
  • There is bliss in worship…


We are in pursuit of such a lofty glory, a universal state, an inexhaustible wealth, a pure happiness and a true happiness, how happy we are, how grateful we should be.

In order to make this last century of Muhammad a century of light and bliss, isn't it a grateful gift to try to be Lokman for the wounds of the Islamic world by shouldering the abundance, blessings, light, and wisdom of islam?

On this occasion, we would like to thank Çare and its volunteers for the idea of offering a cure for the problems of the Islamic world.

And let's end with the good news of 2023 given by our Association President, Mehmet Südlü, at the opening:

“We are just the means. We are conducive to goodness, knowledge and beauty. I pray that these beauties will cover the whole Islamic world and be a means of good for humanity, I welcome you again, and I wish the grace and grace of our Lord in the way of opening such good institutions. I greet you with the good news that we will open a similar institution in Chad, Cameroon and Tanzania in 2023, Insha'Allah."

Dr. Mehmet Riza Derindag

Uganda, Kampala, Buddo Remedial Education Complex

